December 2021
UNISON has sent ballot papers for strike action to council and school support workers.
Use your voice and Vote Yes for action on pay.
December - January 2021
UNISON is sending out ballot papers for strike action from today #VoteYes! for action on pay because #enoughisenough
Return your ballot by 14 January. Find out more about our campaign here.
December 2021
Our first ever Young Workers in Unison Young Members Conference took place in #Cardiff at the weekend featuring guest speakers Angela Rayner, Shavanah Taj and Andrea Egan and chaired by Jess Mcguire #UnisonYM21
November / December 2021
Dear Member,
We are lucky enough to be able to fund another Lego Based Therapy course, as we are aware that some members have not been able to get a place on the courses already advertised.
Therefore, the branch has arranged to facilitate a further course (3 x 45 minutes) using the same tutor. The details for this course are:
Tuesday 23rd November
@ 4pm – 4.45pm
Tuesday 30th November
@ 4pm – 4.45pm
Tuesday 7th December
@ 4pm – 4.45pm
via ZOOM
Please contact Karen on or call 07748 152707 to book a place.
This course has proved to be very popular and quickly becomes oversubscribed as places are limited, therefore if you want a place please get in touch as soon as possible.
Also be aware that you will need to complete all three sessions.
Kind regards
Monmouthshire Unison Branch
October 2021
Wales will be first UK nation to make teaching of black histories compulsory #BlackHistoryMonth
A MONUMENT of Wales’ first black headteacher and #BlackHistoryMonth campaigner was unveiled in Cardiff.
Betty Campbell, who died in 2017 at the age of 82, defied her doubters after being told as a child that her dream to become a head teacher was “insurmountable”.
September 2021
Last chance to sign up for UNISON's Black LGBT+ network meeting 11:30am–2:00pm and Disabled LGBT+ network meeting 4:00pm–6:30pm on 17 September.
This meeting gives you the opportunity to find out about the work that UNISON does for LGBT+ equality for Black and Disabled LGBT+ members in the workplace and wider community. You'll have the opportunity to talk to and question your reps on the national committee and also influence the work that UNISON does on LGBT+ equality. For more information please message us, or email
September 2021
#BeOneTheSafeSide Safety reps play a crucial role in workplace health and safety. They represent staff and work with management to identify new issues and find solutions that improve workplace safety. Covid has transformed workplace safety, but the old risks haven't gone away. We need to make work safe again. Sign up here and you will be contacted about the next course.
Link to information and sign up form for safety reps
August 2021
Pay is coming to a head and we need all of our members and activists to take part in every ballot and every consultation. UNISON is fighting to get the fair pay rise you deserve. Link to fighting for pay across the union
July 2021
UNISON Monmouthshire are launching a brand new service for its members! Any Monmouthshire member can now refer themselves to our online counselling support service. All you need to do is complete a short referral form.
Full details will be sent to all our members soon, or you can watch our short Facebook video here. This video is a short explanation of Talking Therapies for our members.
Referral forms can be requested by email at or by calling 01291 675502.
Remember- it’s always good to talk #itsokaytonotbeokay Apply for Talking Therapies.
July 2021
Come along to our FREE online learning event for Nurses! A full day of taster sessions covering Mindfulness, Maths for Nurses, Going Green, Online Lies & Misinformation and so much more!
Book onto one session, or book on them all – the choice is yours!! Just follow the web link below to register your place. The event is funded by UNISON & the UNISON WULF Project, so there is no fee to attend (although please note that some webinars are UNISON member specific). Book your Place now!
UNISON Nursing Event Tuesday 20th July - 12:00 - 12:30 H&S in the Workplace, 12:45 - 13:45 Online Lies and Misinformation, 14:00 - 15:00 Nurse Question Time, 15:15- 15:45 Dealing with Grief, 16:00 - 16:30 Student Nurse Watch Party, 16:45 - 17:45 Green Agenda, 18:00 - 20:00 Maths for Nurses, 20:15 - 21:15 Mindfulness. Register now closed at
July 2021
Join us for Monmouthshire Unison’s first SMALL TALK session (MUST) on Wednesday 14th July 2021!!
We’ve really missed meeting and chatting to our members during the last year so we’re setting up a new regular virtual drop-in session (with its own natty acronym) that will give you the opportunity to get to know the branch committee, socialise with other members, find out more about what we’re up to and how you can get involved!
Each MUST session will have its own theme. At this first session we’ll be introducing you to our Health & Safety Officer, Richard Garner, who will be chatting about current priorities and issues including Changing Spaces.
After the 30 minute session there will be time for questions and private chats with branch officers.
We’re going to run the session at 12.30 and again at 6pm to help give everyone the opportunity come along.
We look forward to seeing you!
Email calendar invites will be sent out shortly, if you do not receive one and wish to attend please email
June 2021
We’re interested in the experiences of people with Long Covid in work. Including people who have lost their jobs because of Long Covid. Long Covid is the term used to describe COVID-19 symptoms that extending beyond the initial infection. Evidence on Long Covid points to symptoms of COVID-19 lasting for weeks, months and possibly years after the infection.
This survey ask questions to better understand how workers with Long Covid have been treated in the workplace.
June 2021
Employers can no longer mistreat staff who take part in industrial action, says UNISON. Christina McAnea hails important victory for staff involved in strikes or disputes
Employers will no longer be able to get away with mistreating any employees who take part in union-organised workplace disputes following an important legal decision, says UNISON.
May - June 2021
UNISON Monmouthshire are launching a brand new service for its members! Any Monmouthshire member can now refer themselves to our online counselling support service. All you need to do is complete a short referral form.
Full details will be sent to all our members soon, or you can watch the short video below which explains a little about why we have set up this for our members.
Referral forms can be requested by email at or by calling 01291 675502.
Remember- it’s always good to talk.
May 2021
Happy #InternationalNursesDay2021 #NursingTheNation21
It's incredible to think of what you've all achieved over the last year. Stuart Tuckwood, UNISON's National Officer for nursing has recorded the message below to mark this year's event.
Why not join Stuart and other leaders at tonight's live event to celebrate IND and discuss the challenges ahead and how we can empower nurses to lead us through them.
Join us at 7pm on youtube -
May 2021
April 2021
NHS Pay Day: Show us your windows!
Instead of the pay rise they’re due, our fantastic NHS staff are being rewarded with delays and a potential real-terms pay cut.
We’re asking people to put a poster in their window to support a proper NHS pay rise. Let’s brighten up our streets and show NHS staff they are valued.
Download one of our designs below to colour in, or get creative and make your own. Then share a picture of your window on social media using hashtags #NHSPayDay and #WithNHSStaff.
March 2021
Long COVID: ‘It’s frightening not knowing where this will end up’. Long COVID is having a devastating effect on the lives of many UNISON members. Assistant equality officer Haifa Rashed reports on how the union is responding. Read more ...
March 2021
UNISON stories in support of International Women's Day. Read more ...
February 2021
Heart UNISON is part of Heart Unions Week, the TUC’s annual event to celebrate unions, to make sure everyone knows why we’re vital at work, and to encourage everyone to join one. Read more ...
February 2021
On Wednesday 3 February at 12:30pm, UNISON is hosting a carers' rally as part of the Pay Fair for Care national day of action.
Join the event to hear from care workers, celebrities and politicians. Wednesday, 3 February 2021 from 12:30-14:00 UTC, online with Facebook Live.
January 2021
Following our very successful and well-attended meeting for schools' members last week, we are repeating the meeting this Wednesday 20th January at 5pm for those who were unable to attend or could not join the previous meeting as it was full - apologies to all of you for any inconvenience.
So that we can accommodate everybody who'd like to attend, you will need to register to attend the meeting using this link - Register here
This meeting is an opportunity for us to receive information from you about how schools are operating in your area and to answer any questions you may have.
January 2021
Dear Member
We would like to invite you to a meeting of school members Thursday 14th Jan. This is an opportunity for us to receive information from you about how schools are operating in your area and to answer any questions you may have.
Please see the joining details below.
Schools members meeting
Thursday, Jan 14, 2021 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM (GMT)
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United Kingdom (Toll Free): 0 800 031 4727
United Kingdom: +44 20 3713 5011
Access Code: 229-348-309
January 2021
Schools and families can request free mobile data increases for students without broadband and/or who can't afford extra data for devices.
Three, Smarty, Virgin Mobile, EE, Tesco Mobile & Sky Mobile are all taking part in the scheme.
On behalf of the Branch Committee, I am pleased to invite you to attend the forthcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM). The Final Agenda, Minutes of last year’s meeting and the Financial Accounts for this year will be available on our website from January, copies can also be requested from the branch office in the New Year.
You have an opportunity to submit motions for consideration, these should be received by the branch at the address below or by email no later than 21st December 2020.
Voting members may make nominations for the officers and workplace stewards to be elected at the AGM. This must be done by completing the relevant form and returned to the office by the date indicated on the form - please email the office to request a copy of the form to be sent to you.
Officers of the union take the lead on specific areas of activity and work in close liaison with stewards and workplace contacts to ensure that we deliver effectively for our members. Your workplace will be a much stronger place should you nominate someone to act on your behalf, even if they only act as a link between us to receive mail/information from the union.
If you require an interpreter, please let the branch know as soon as possible. Similarly, if you need materials supplied in large print, braille, etc. These requests will need to be made well in advance of the meetings.
I urge you to make every effort to join in and support your branch - links to the TEAMS meeting are available upon request. If you would like any information on how to access this platform please contact the branch for assistance.
Yours sincerely
Jan Davies
Branch Secretary
Monmouthshire County UNISON, 18 Maryport Street, Usk NP15 1AE
Telephone: 01291 675502 / Email:
TUE, 2 FEB 2021 AT 10:00 UTC
Monmouthshire Branch Annual General Meeting
Online event
WED, 3 FEB 2021 AT 12:30 UTC
Monmouthshire Branch Annual General Meeting
Online event
THU, 4 FEB 2021 AT 17:00 UTC
Monmouthshire Branch Annual General Meeting
Online event
Branch Annual General Meeting via Microsoft TEAMS
November 2020
Applicants must be a UNISON member and have paid at least two months subscriptions.
You do not have savings of more than £2,500.
Household income has reduced as a result of one of the following criteria:
- You and/or your partner are currently receiving SSP and either shielding, self-isolating or off sick due to other coronavirus related reasons
- You and/or your partner have been made redundant/lost your job due to the coronavirus
- You and/or your partner’s employer have reduced your working hours including loss of regular overtime (applicable also where partner is self-employed and loss of earnings can be proven)
October 2020
On World Mental Health Day, and with all that we are dealing with in the world right now, take time to make time for yourself, put the kettle on, call a family member or friend to have a chat, and remember- it’s okay to not be okay. #worldmentalhealthday2020
September 2020
Event October 2020
Booking and enquiries to attend this online workshop.
Event organiser: Ryan Williams, UNISON House, Custom House Street, Cardiff
Telephone: 020 2072 9413
August 2020
Janet, would you rather leave your child in unsafe care or your elderly parent without any care at all? Would you rather the streets were covered in uncollected rubbish or children had nowhere safe to play?
The vital work that you do ensures people do not have to make impossible choices like these.
Today, UNISON has launched a video to force people to recognise what their lives could be like without the vital local services you deliver.
May 2020
Dear Unison Members
We just wanted to express our heartfelt thanks for all your hard work and dedication during this unprecedented time.
As a union we understand that many of our members are working to deliver key services to the residents of Monmouthshire and to ensure critical services continue to operate. We wanted you to know that we realise you are still working throughout this difficult period and that we understand the pressures you are facing, juggling both your home and working life whilst trying to keep everyone safe and well. Thank you, we really do appreciate the contribution you are making to the fight against covid-19.
Please let us know if there is anything Monmouthshire Unison Branch can do to support you through these difficult times.
Jan Davies
Unison Branch Secretary
Monmouthshire County Council
April 2020
UNISON Cymru Wales to deliver free online Covid-19 training across Wales Read more .....
Statement by Kirsty Williams Minister for Education
I’d like to thank parents for listening to the advice and keeping most children at home. I’d be grateful if tomorrow morning you only use schools or childcare as a last resort.
The advice has not changed as a result of tonight’s decision to further restrict movement, which our First Minister, along with other UK leaders took with the sole aim of slowing the spread of coronavirus.
Children should be at home wherever possible, critical workers will still need to have safe care arrangements for their children. Our schools and childcare settings are providing a vital service to support critical workers and our most vulnerable children.
Those involved in the current arrangements looking after children should continue. Many thanks to our amazing teaching and childcare professionals for their commitment in this time of national need.
This situation will continue for the immediate term but we will be reviewing with healthcare professionals, local authorities and our teaching unions.
March 2020
Good evening
No humour tonight, we just entered the big league. This is where we will be tested, this is where citizens will become anxious, this is where our own doubts and uncertainties might surface BUT ladies and gentlemen, we are ready. This moment has been coming for 10 days and our preparation has been measured and timed. Our closure / cessation of service is just where we need it to be. The rational for closing:
- Abergavenny market
- Children’s play areas
- Community Hubs / libraries
- County hall to the public
- Our 4 household waste and recycling centres
Today has been spot on. Tomorrow we will close our Youth Clubs but the decision to leave our parks open has been the right one.
Our strategic aim is clear: we will protect life and we will do this tomorrow by:
- Continuing to provide childcare for registered children of key workers
- Continuing to protect the vulnerable
- Collecting domestic waste and keeping the environment safe
- Playing our role in getting money to businesses
- Helping citizens with financial challenges
- Being a great partner to other agencies working to our goals
- Looking after your health and well-being
I’m not naive; this is going to be hard. Some of you I will not see for a long time but we have the tools and the ability to play our part. Help your friends by sharing our messages and your knowledge of what we are doing. The days will be long for many so play your part in being positive.
We can and should connect digitally. You will have your family but we need to work hard at our organisational ties. You know your jobs and you know how to do them. I will have new tasks for many of you in the next few day.
Remember to eat, sleep, breath and smile. We’ve got this and as a bunch of people it just doesn’t get any better than you.
Fire questions at me all day long tomorrow, I promise to answer every single one.
Best wishes
A confident CEO
Monmouthshire County Branch / Cangen Sir Fynwy
Tuesday 4th February 2020
Room 1, Raglan Training Centre
Annual General Meeting of Monmouthshire UNISON Branch at Raglan Depot, Station Road, Raglan, NP15 2ER.
Wednesday 5th February 2020
from 12:15-13:30 UTC
Mardy Park Resource Centre, Abergavenny
Thursday 6th February 2020
from 12:15-13:30 UTC
County Hall, The Rhadyr, Usk, NP15 1GA
Monday 10th February 2020
from 12:15-13:30 UTC
MCC Innovation House, Magor
November 2019
Places going fast please book early to avoid disappointment. Thank you!
For more information please contact Karen.
call 01291 675502.
October 2019
Motions raised at our National Delegate Conference over the past few years have shown a growing from anxiety from our members on how our own mental health is affected by work.
Stress is a major pre-cursor to worsening mental health, and after years of austerity and being asked to do more with less, our members are at crisis point. Click here for more details
Struggling to make ends meet? Worried about back to school costs? Help is on hand.
We have set up a limited fund to help UNISON members on low income with school uniform costs by way of a one-off payment of up to £120.
To apply, download the application form from: or contact UNISONDirect on 0800 0 857 857.
Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 19 July 2019.
Commencing 15th April 2019-17th May 2019
Unison are currently sending out ballot papers for the National Executive Council – NEC.
These are important elections, the people elected will be representing you, in Unison, at a national level. UNISON’s national executive council is a diverse group of ordinary members, working in all areas of public services, who make decisions about how our union is run.
A ballot paper will be sent to the home of every eligible member, together with information on the candidates. Please read what they have to say and decide who will be your voice on UNISON’s NEC.
The ballot opens on 15 April and closes on 17 May 2019.
If you haven’t received your ballot paper by 29 April, please call 0800 0857 857. Join your fellow UNISON members and vote in the NEC election. It only takes a few minutes.
For your information Monmouthshire Branch of Unison has nominated the following candidates
Local Government Service Group
General Seat Maggie Griffin
Female Seats Maxine Rowden & Kati Conway
Male Seat Peter Crews
Black Members’ Seats
Female Seats April Ashley & Sonia Stewart
Male Seat Ash Dhobi
Disabled Members’ Seats
Katrina Murray
Dear Unison Members
We just wanted to express our heartfelt thanks for all your hard work and dedication during this unprecedented time.
As a union we understand that many of our members are working to deliver key services to the residents of Monmouthshire and to ensure critical services continue to operate. We wanted you to know that we realise you are still working throughout this difficult period and that we understand the pressures you are facing, juggling both your home and working life whilst trying to keep everyone safe and well. Thank you, we really do appreciate the contribution you are making to the fight against covid-19.
Please let us know if there is anything Monmouthshire Unison Branch can do to support you through these difficult times.
Jan Davies
Unison Branch Secretary
Monmouthshire County Council
Contact Monmouthshire Branch