Monmouthshire Talking Therapies
Talking Therapies is offered by Monmouthshire UNISON to its members to facilitate immediate access to counselling online. The first session with the counsellor will be a virtual “face to face” meeting, over Microsoft TEAMS or other platform as arranged between the client and the counsellor. The counsellor will assess how many sessions should be offered, and the frequency, and the format of these will be discussed between the client and the counsellor at the first meeting. Please make sure you have a safe and confidential space for this to take place where you will not be disturbed to maximize the benefit of this and future sessions.
These sessions are provided to enable swift access to talking therapies for members by Monmouthshire UNISON. The service is complimentary, and does not replace the employer’s counselling provision should you wish to be referred via this route at any time.
If at any point the counsellor feels there is an immediate safeguarding issue which needs to be addressed, the counsellor will inform you that they will be notifying Monmouthshire UNISON so the appropriate action can be taken.
The counsellor will have a contract which they will ask you to agree to. This is governed by the British Association of Counsellors and Psychotherapists (BACP). The counsellors carrying out this service are students at University of South Wales, trained to deliver therapy sessions according to the pluralistic framework. They have undertaken all necessary training to be able to conduct sessions in an appropriate manner, and have secure storage for any case notes they may take during your sessions. Your information is completely confidential, and will not get shared with Monmouthshire UNISON. Each counsellor takes responsibility for the safe and secure storage of this information according to current GDPR guidance.
All information gathered for the purpose of this referral is shared with the counsellor directly, and is covered by our GDPR policy - details of which can be found online: Read our privacy policy
Any further information gathered after the referral by the counsellor will be treated confidentially and covered by the GDPR guidance as set out by the BACP. By signing below you agree to Monmouthshire UNISON sharing your details with the Talking Therapies Counsellor for the purpose of setting up and facilitating appropriate counselling sessions.
Contact Monmouthshire Branch