Welcome to UNISON Monmouthshire

Branch latest news, archive news, updates, stories, information and branch representatives

UNISON Office, 1st Floor Community Education Centre
18 Maryport Street, Usk, Monmouthshire, NP15 8AE
Telephone: 01291 675502

monmouthshire map


December 2023


As a UNISON member you can save £££’s on discounted gift vouchers and shopping cards and get cashback from top retailers such as M&S, Very, Comet, Thorntons and more.

#ChristmasRewards #SaveMoney View website detail link here

Unison Flag

November 2023

start date 24th November


Stars in Our Schools is an annual celebration of school support staff. This year the event will take place on Friday 24 November 2023 – but we encourage schools to join in whenever suits them!

#StarsInOurSchools #EarlyYearsStars View Stars In Our Schools website link here

Stars In Our Schools

November 2023


Following our 2023 pay ballet results in the summer, UNISON’s NJC Committee made the decision not to pursue industrial action. UNISON met with the other local government unions, GMB and Unite, on Wednesday 1 November, and the joint decision is to accept the pay offer for 2023 of an increase of £1,925 on all NJC pay points {pro rata’d for part-time and term time only staff). The pay award will be backdated to 1 April 2023.

We want to thank you for your patience while we have worked to resolve this year's pay dispute. The local government employers have been informed and our immediate priority is to get the money into the pay packets of our hardworking members as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact your local branch.

Pay Up Update

The NJC Committee will be meeting in November, and we are starting preparations for the 2024 pay campaign as a matter of urgency, starting with consulting on and submitting a joint pay claim. The fight to restore local government pay will continue and we plan to be stronger than ever to get fair pay for councils and school workers.

November 2023

start date 8th November


Update on the 2023 Pay Offer.

Don't forget to join via TEAMS on Wednesday 8th November.

We'll be runniung the sessions at 12 to 12.30pm and again at 5 to 5:30pm

Monmouthshire Unison Small Talk

October 2023


Attending the Wales TUC Organising Now Conference.

The Wales TUC is the voice of Wales at work. With 48 member unions, the Wales TUC represents around 400,000 workers. We campaign for a fair deal at work and for social justice at home and abroad.

Wales TUC events link here

Jan Davies
Wales TUC Organising Now Conference

October 2023


Twinkle, twinkle: Stars in Our Schools is back!

Stars in Our Schools is back, and this year there’s a special focus on early years education. But hurry – the deadline for ordering all your fantastic Stars merch is 6 October.

More information link here

Stars In Our Schools

October 2023


This year’s Black History Month, in October, is themed ‘Saluting our Sisters’. UNISON is using the month to celebrate exceptional women working in health

Information link here

Black History Month

September 2023


Sending support and solidarity to our colleagues at Torfaen Unison for their demonstration 4pm - 6pm today, 28th September.

Full story link here

Rosie Lewis

September 2023


Oil and gas companies that fuel climate change are making record profits and giving billions to their execs. Meanwhile, people like you and me get record (and wallet!) breaking energy bills.
All because Chancellor Jeremy Hunt isn't taxing oil and gas giants fairly.
Sign the petition and tell the Chancellor to make oil and gas giants - not ordinary households - pay the price.

Information link here

Tax the oil and gas giants

September 2023


Written Statement: Education update on Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

Information link here

Welsh Government

August 2023

9/10 - More Plants - Simple, planet friendly #food swaps

23/10 - How to reduce your online climate footprint

6/11 - Climate Resilient #gardening

20/11 - Not Buying it - Detecting & Rejecting #greenwashing

27/11 - How to have great #climate conversations at work


Unison Cymru Wales Learning is with Green Squirrel and Unison Wales.
Learn fun, practical and useful environmental skills on Monday lunchtimes this autumn with our new webinar series created and delivered by the wonderful people at Green Squirrel.

These sessions are the perfect build-up to #COP28 and great for anyone who wants to take the important actions - big and small, individual and collective - that will make a difference to the #ClimateChange and #Biodiversity emergencies.

Book your place now

Online Courses
Online Courses

August 2023


Our exclusive UNISON member-only courses for schools staff this autumn will help you to deal with some of the most the challenging and rewarding parts of your job - working with children with autism, ADAD and low-level behaviour issues.

Tutors from expert provider 2Resolve will guide you though these important topics, with online sessions starting at 3pm in October and November.

August 2023


We're delighted to be able to offer UNISON members in Wales the opportunity to learn more about Autism with the wonderful Adjust Services - a provider we've trusted for many years.

The online session is a members-only event on Wednesday 22nd November 2023, starting at 12:45

July 2023


Blaenau Gwent branch and Monmouth branch at the Durham Miners Gala

#DurhamMinersGala #NHS75

Durham Miners Gala

July 2023


Staff are the backbone of our NHS, with over 1.5 million people working as one team to deliver safe patient care.

From wards to walk-ins, corridors to communities, offices to operating theatres, labs to laundries and everywhere in between, UNISON celebrates the dedicated and diverse team of staff who have steered our health service to its 75th birthday.

Happy birthday NHS! #75Today #NHS

Read more link here

NHS 75 Years

June 2023


It’s that time of year once again when the gang gets together for National Delegates Conference 2023!
#UNDC23 #NationalCareService #ShowRacismTheRedCard #UnisonWales
National Delegates Conference information link here

Monmouthshire Delegates

June 2023


Back at the wonderful city of Liverpool for Unison Local Government Conference 2023.
First on the agenda is making 2023 The Year of The Black Worker.
Here we go!
#ULGC23 #UnisonWales

Rise Up to Get Pay Up!
LG Members can vote in the Pay Ballot 2023 until July 4th!
#PAYUP2023 #ULGC23 #UnisonWales

I Have Voted

May 2023

start date 23rd May


UNISON has been campaigning for a decent pay rise for council and school workers, who receive little recognition for their hard work.

Over the past 12 years, council and school staff have lost on average 25% from the value of their pay when measured against the Retail Price Index (RPI).

UNISON has called for a pay increase of inflation plus 2%, but employers are only offering a flat-rate increase. In a cost-of-living crisis, it's not good enough.

Pay Up Council And Schools

Find out more and don't forget to vote.

Ballot information link here

May 2023


Out with Keep Abergavenny Tidy on our first ever Community Litter Pick!

#KeepTidy #Abergavenny

Facebook link here

Keep Tidy Abergavenny

May 2023

Opens June:start date 1st June


School Uniform Grants opening 1st June 2023
Follow link below for full details

School Uniform Grant link here

School Uniform Grant Help

May 2023


National Executive Council (NEC) elections are now in full swing, and your vote in it is crucial. As a UNISON member, you have the power to help shape the future of our union by electing the right leaders to represent you. Not got a ballot paper? Call us on 0800 0 857 857 from 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday.
More about the NEC and the election process

NEC Elections link here

NEC Vote

May 2023

Ballot closes:start date 19th April


National Executive Council Ballot Papers and Election Statements have started to arrive through the post!! Make sure you return your voting paper in the pre-paid envelope provided.

The ballot closes on 19th May 2023.
The NEC is elected by members to do the following:
- Uphold the union’s aims, values and rules.
- Provide leadership and direction.
- Ensure the union’s income, property and funds are safeguarded.
- Maintain standards and quality.

You are entitled to vote in all elections on the ballot paper regardless of seat type.
If you have not yet received your pack, call the ballot helpline on 0800 0857 857. The textphone number is 0800 0967 968. Remember, it’s YOUR CHOICE, it only takes minutes and EVERY VOTE COUNTS, so please vote.

NEC Ballot Papers

April 2023

start date 28th April


You are invited to attend Wales' National Workers' Memorial Day event.

Join us for refreshments followed by a short ceremony to lay wreaths at the National Workers' Memorial Stone. We will be joined by dignitaries including trade union leaders.

April 2023

PAY UP 2023

As we get closer to the opening of UNISON's industrial action ballot for council and school workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, it's so important to make sure that you and your colleagues are ballot ready.
To make the local government employers see that you are serious about demanding a decent pay rise, every eligible member must post their ballot paper back to us with a YES vote when the time comes. The ballot opens in May.

March 2023


A union isn't an outside organisation that comes in to help you, a union is YOU and your colleagues coming together to empower each other as a COLLECTIVE. And trust me, that's way more powerful!

Union Poster

March 2023

start date 8th March


Celebrating working women: UNISON prepares for IWD 2023
The union will celebrate International Women’s Day with an event in Glasgow in March 2023.

UNISON is organising an International Women’s Day event in Glasgow on 8 March next year to celebrate the contributions of care workers, cleaners, school workers, librarians, and administrators to their workplaces, communities and the union.

March 2023

start date 3rd Marchstart date 4th March


Branch Development Weekend for UNISON in Gwent Branches at Bryn Meadows Hotel and Golf Club.

Fantastic morning session with Esther, Stuart and Tony from Sight Cymru delivering Sight Loss Awareness Training to representatives from Monmouthshire, Torfaen, Caerphilly, Newport & Blaenau Gwent.

Sight Cymru
Bryn Meadows

February 2023

start date 7th Februarystart date 8th Februarystart date 9th February

Monmouthshire AGM 2023

Final Account Document 2023

AGM 2023

Tuesday 7th Feb 2023 at 12:30pm
Wednesday 8th Feb 2023 at 10am
Thursday 9th Feb 2023 at 5pm

Via Microsoft TEAMS.

Please click on the PDF icon for full details. Thank you.

AGM Logo

February 2023


Heart Unions - there's power in a union. When workers act and speak together, their employer has to listen. That’s how unions make things better at work.

Together, we’re stronger. So join a union today.
#HeartUnions #CaruUndebau #HeartUnionsWeek #UnisonWales #JoinAUnion

January 2023

start date 25th January


UNISON’s welfare charity, There for You, opens its annual programme offering grants of £200 next week – find out if you’re eligible to apply

The winter fuel grant programme opens next week at 10am on Wednesday 25 January.

It offers a one-off, non-repayable grant of £200 to help UNIONS’s most vulnerable low-income members and to help ease the worry of paying for their next fuel bill during the coldest months of the year.

January 2023

start date 20th January


Save the date for the Unison Wales Schools Seminar on Friday January 20, 2023. 9:00 - 16:30. Radisson Blu, Bute Terrace, Cardiff CF10 2FL.

This is a free event available to all UNISON members working in a schools support staff role in Wales.
We are really looking forward to welcoming as many schools support staff as possible at this very important event. This is an opportunity for you to raise issues affecting you and your school with the First Minister and the Minister for Education and Welsh Language as well as receive training in our afternoon workshops.

Spaces are limited so if you would like to attend this event please e-mail d.rees@unison.co.uk before Thursday December 15.

- Welcome from First Minister of Wales, Mark Drakeford MS
- Keynote speech from Minister For Education and Welsh Language, Jeremy Miles MS

School Support Staff Seminar 2023

- Workshops include: Appropriate deployment of teaching assistants in Wales / Social prescribing / Violence and sexual harrassment in schools / Managing challenging behavior / Education Workforce Council and how we can support your professional development
- Sessions on violence towards school staff, whether the teaching assistant job description is fit for purpose, and making schools more LGBTQ+ friendly
- Exhibitor visits

January 2023


Congratulations to Sian on her New Year’s Honour.

An Abergavenny women has been recognised for her political and public service in this year’s New Year’s Honours List.

67 year old Sian Stockham is the member of Wales on the National Executive Council of public services trade union UNISON and also worked as a carer throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Sian Stockham

She has now been recognised for her hard work in the Abergavenny community by receiving an OBE.

Article link here

December 2022


Here are the contact numbers for many helpline suport organisation.
- Anxiety UK 03444 775 774
- Samaritans samaritans.org.uk
- Mind 0300 123 3393
- Papyrus 0800 068 41 41
- Childline 0800 1111
- Refuge 0808 2000 247
- Young Minds youngminds.org.uk
- Switchboard LGBT+ 0300 330 0610
- Shout giveusashout.org
- Calm 0800 58 58 58
- Beat 0808 801 0677
- AA 0800 9177 650

Christmas Helpline

November 2022

start date 16th November


UNISON Welfare’s Energy Support Fund is open at 10am on Wednesday 16 November to help eligible members with rising fuel costs.

Please be advised that phase 2 will be closed once the first  4000 applications have been received. The Energy Support Fund is a one-off, non-repayable grant of £200.

November 2022


We went to lobby Parliment around the issues that are facing our members in this awful cost of living crises. We had some good conversations with the MP for Blaenau Gwent Nick Smith. We will be doing lots more of these over the next few month, if your interested in coming along - please get in touch.

Cost Of Living Crisis Protests

November 2022


Here are the edited versions of the talks, workshops and webinars that made up the Unison Cymru/Wales Cost of Living Survival Event on 20 October 2022.

Cost of Living Survival - Sessions | Cost of Living Crisis Survival | UNISON Cymru/Wales

Cost of Living Crisis Survival link here

November 2022


Dear members,

Unison has received a good number of enquiries regarding this financial year’s pay award with particular reference to when will members receive the award.

I am pleased to let you know, the council has received a joint circular from the Local Government Association/NJC, confirming an agreement has been reached on rates of pay for 2022/23.

This means the council and all other NJC employers will be in a place to pay you the increase and back pay in November’s pay run.

We Need More NJC 2022

If you would like any further information on this year’s agreement, please give the branch office a call or send an email.

Thank you.

November 2022

date 2nd Novemberr


Fantastic evening and superb speakers at the #CostOfLivingCrisis rally in Cardiff. We will not be silent any longer.

Westminster next stop on 2nd November to lobby our MPs.

#WeRise #EnoughIsEnough #Solidarity #UnisonWales

Surviving Cost Of Living Crisis

October 2022


At Unison Wales we are supporting Show Racism the Red Card.

There is no place in our society for racism! Donate to fund anti-racism education across the UK.

UNISON Wales / TUC Cymru

Donation link here

Show Racism The Red Card

October 2022


"The Tory government has made political choices that have made our economy weaker and working people poorer."

UNISON general secretary Christina McAnea speaking at Trades Union Congress (TUC) calls on Congress to unite to #EndThePayCrisis

“Threatened spending cuts mean essential services, key workers and the public will pay a heavy price for the government’s reckless, and wholly unnecessary, gamble."

"The current crisis is entirely of the government’s making. The UK's reputation on the international stage has been trashed and families' budgets squeezed like never before".

Christina McAnea

“This sorry state of affairs must come to an end. The lame duck prime minister has to step aside, and an election called right away to put the country out of its misery. That's the only way to get the economy back on track."

Full details click here

October 2022

date 20th October


You are invited to join us for an important online event on 20th October aimed at providing you with the information you need to survive in these challenging times.

Full details link here

Cost Of Living Survival

September / October 2022


BREAKING: UNISON members in councils and schools have voted to ACCEPT the national pay offer.

There are three recognised unions involved in the local government pay talks: UNISON, GMB and Unite.

We now await the results of GMB’s and Unite’s consultations on 2022 pay, both of which will end in October.

September / October 2022

Unison Green Week


Here's a newsletter from our new Green Rep, Emma Saunders to coincide with UNISON Green Week from September 23rd to October 1st. Look out for more hints and tips across our social media platforms to ‘go green’ throughout the week!

Information link here

UNISON Green Week

August 2022


NJC Pay ballot opens today runs until 19th September - If we have an email address you will be emailed a link soon to vote. Please check all email address and your spam/junk email folders.

If we don't have an email address for you or you haven't received the email then please let your Unison Branch know ASAP so we can include you in the ballot.

NJC Pay Vote Today

Please send a message and USE YOUR VOTE!!

Full details link here

August 2022


Higher Education pay campaign and strike ballot 2022

Have your say on Higher Education pay.

The University and Colleges Employers Association have made their final pay offer: a below-inflation pay rise of 3% for most Higher Education staff and between 9% and 3% for those on pay points 3 to 19. They didn’t offer any more during the dispute process and will now impose this pay increase on 1 August 2022.

More Less

With RPI inflation at 11.8% and your pay only set to go up by 3% this pay rise is a pay cut. The higher increases on the lower spinal points are partly being proposed to keep pay at legal rates – we think you’re worth more than that.

Full story link here

July 2022

Read PDF link here:
date 26th JulyEmployers Pay Offer


Dear Unison Members,

Please find attached full details of the employers pay offer for 2022 financial year.

The NJC (National Joint Committee, trade union side) will be meeting on Friday 29th July to discuss the offer. We will keep you informed of any further developments.

July 2022


Huge win for UK workers! All workers will now receive the same minimum level of paid annual holiday leave, regardless of how many hours they work, thanks to a case brought by UNISON in the UK Supreme Court.

The judgment will particularly affect agency, part-time and term-time workers including thousands of school support staff.

Now it will no longer be possible for employers to argue staff who don’t work all year are only entitled to holiday based on the hours they work.

Unison Flag

Today’s decision is also good news for anyone working irregular hours or on zero-hours contracts.

Full story link here

July 2022


Health and social care in Wales is facing its biggest ever challenge.

The NHS across the UK is celebrating 74 years since its creation and this is even more poignant in Wales.

UNISON representatives also attended the annual Bevan Festival in Tredegar on Saturday July 5 this year to celebrate NHS founder Nye Bevan’s enduring legacy.

Read more link here

Health Workers

July 2022

date 5th July


Happy Birthday NHS. Here’s to the remarkable people who have worked in the NHS over the last 74 years, the lives saved, supported and improved. Proud to support the whole NHS team and fight to defend our national service.

Happy Birthday NHS
Budget planning


It can often be tricky to figure out which benefits you are eligible for and how to claim.

Check your support now with the UNISON Benefits Calculator.

> Check benefits link here

Budget planning


The first vital step in taking control of your finances is to create your own personal budget plan. Our user friendly budget planner is free to use and should only take minutes to complete if you have all your financial information to hand.
> Budget planner link here

Wellbeing breaks


Wellbeing breaks can provide welcome relief from stress and respite from difficult circumstances – this can include assisting with recovery from illness to help prepare for a return to work.

> Wellbeing breaks link here

June 2022


UNISON member? You could be eligible for help with the costs of school uniform. There For You, our member charity, offers help to members on low incomes, especially if you're facing extra costs from the cost of living crisis.


Grant application link here

June 2022


UNISON Cymru/Wales extended #solidarity to all rail workers and the National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) during its latest day of industrial action.

We stand side by side the rail workers as we all fight for job security and a pay rise that deals with the #CostOfLivingCrisis.

Support RMT

June 2022

date 18th June


All public sector workers are being forced to deal with a toxic mix of a decade of cuts combined with low wages and sky high fuel and energy bills as the cost-of-living crisis deepens.

On Saturday June 18, the trade union movement will be taking to the streets of London to demand action and UNISON Cymru/Wales is providing three buses to get our members to this vital demonstration.

Find out how to book your place on the buses here: Complete bus transport details link here

Wales TUC Cymru Trades Union Congress / (TUC) UNISON / Unison Swansea Bay Health Branch / Members Group NPT Unison / Unison Carms / Cangen Unsain Gwynedd / UNISON North Wales / Health Branch UNISON Velindre and PHW Branch Unison / Bridgend Unison / Powys Local Government Branch / Unison Cardiff Branch

Unison The Public Service Union

Bus Details For South West Wales

Pick-ups: Haverfordwest (train station) at 6.00am; Llanelli (train station) at 7.30am and Swansea Moto services M4 Junction 47 at 7.45am

Bus Details For South Wales

Pick-ups: Merthyr Tydfil (Civic Building) at 7.00am; Pontypridd (bus station) at 7.25am; Cardiff (Museum steps) at 8.00am and Newport (train station) at 8.30am

To book your branches place on these buses, please email Helen Dunn-Jones h.dunn-jones@unison.co.uk with the name, email, mobile number and pick up point for each traveller.

Return journey will be picking back up near Parliament Square at 3pm.

June 2022

date 14th June to date 147h June


And we’re back!! First time delegate Robin and repeat attender Sandra are in Brighton for National Delegates Conference 2022! Looking forward to some lively debates.

Together We Rise In Unison
National Delegate Conference

June 2022

date 14th June to date 147h June


Part and parcel of National Delegates Conference is all the amazing fringe events that happen, so whilst my colleague has gone to one on the war in Ukraine, I’m at the Rally with Rayner, hosted by UNISON Labour Link.

National Delegate Conference

June 2022

date 2nd June


UNISON in Gwent are going to be at the Night Market on Thursday 2nd June 6pm - 9pm. Come along and meet reps from various Gwent Branches, and grab a freebie or two.

We’ll also have our fabulous Platinum Jubilee Selfie Corner, so don’t forget to share your selfies taken with our life-size Queen!!

Queens Platinum Jubilee

May 2022

date 24th May


Tuesday 24 May which will focus on Monmouthshire’s MONEY MATTERS Support Programme.
This session will be open to ALL MCC employees via TEAMS and we hope to welcome as many of you as possible.

Jude Langdon, MCC’s Social Justice Innovation Manager, will be joining us to give a presentation on the Money Matters programme and take your questions. It’s a great way to raise your own knowledge and awareness of what help is available at a time when the cost of living crisis is a real worry for many of us, our colleagues, our friends, and families.

Unison The Public Service Union

Lisa Knight-Davies will be on hand to share where colleagues can find information internally.

There will also be an opportunity to find out more about the support on offer to Unison members.

The 30-minute session will run at 12.30pm and again at 5pm.

We hope you can join us.

May 2022

date 9th May to date 15th May


The official theme is ‘loneliness’ and, across the week, we encourage you to build meaningful connections with your friends, family, colleagues and communities.


Poster states: Mental Health UK. Let;s Connect! From 9th to 15th May 2022. Let's connect during Mental Health Awareness Week, and together, we can. We're asking people and organisations alike to consider their 'unique contribution' in tackling loneliness, isolation and the barriers to connection. We need to, raise awareness, invire conversation, volunteer your time, ask others to act.

Mental Health Awareness Week

May 2022

date 5th May


Today 16-year-olds are voting for the first time in #LocalElections across Wales.
We spoke to 16-year-old Kenny Thomas who will be voting for the first time today.
Kenny told us why voting is so important to him, if you are voting for the first time today then get in touch and let us know why it matters to you by commenting below or emailing r.denholm-hall@unison.co.uk

#LocalElections2022 #LocalElectionsMatter UNISON Unison in Local Government

Young People Can Vote

Image quote states: Being able to vote this year means so much to me. I think it's so important for young people to be able to have a say in what happens in the future. UNISON Cymru Wales.

May 2022

date 5th May


16-year-olds will be voting for the first time in a local election in Wales.

Unison Wales has heard from first time voter Julia who told us public services are vital to her. She said: "Voting is vital for me because without doing so, people may not see the change that they would like to see, in the government, and in their day-to-day lives.

"By voting everyone has a say in their future and positive change will be implemented.

"It is extremely important for me as it reminds me that as a community we have a say and in turn change will take place."

Local Elections

Let us know if you are voting for the first time and why public services are important for you.

#localelections2022 #LocalElections #LocalElectionsMatter UNISON Unison in Local Government

Image quote states: By voting, everyone has a say in their future and positive change will be implemented. UNISON Cymru Wales

April 2022


The local council elections in May are a great opportunity for UNISON Cymru Wales to talk about why it’s so important to invest in public services and in public service workers.

We want to influence politicians and public opinion to address the needs of working people and Welsh communities. We’re asking council candidates to pledge their support for UNISON’s priorities and work with us to deliver them.

Read more link here

Local May Elections

Image poster states: Local elections 2022. Fair funding for council services. #UNISONPriorities

April 2022

date 29th April


Calling all comms officers! Next meeting of the Cymru Wales Communications Forum will be held in our Cardiff office on Friday 29 April at 10.15am. It will be followed by a 3-hour training course: Effective newsletters, with tutor, Simon Williams. To register and for further details contact Alastair Gittins a.gittins@unison.co.uk

Communication Officers Forum

March 2022

date 20th March


Support on the steps of Cardiff City civic centre took place this Sunday. Together we are stronger.



No To Racism

March 2022

date 4th March date 5th March


We had a brilliant time attending this years Branch Development weekend at the Bryn Meadows. We have taken lots of information to help us to encourage the employers we work with to reduce their carbon footprint, develop our skills in having difficult conversation and how to organise in the post covid world.


Bryn Meadows Golf Club Conference

Unison Monmouthshire is at Bryn Meadows Golf, Hotel & Spa.
4 March at 10:25, Caerphilly .
Attending Branch Development training with UNISON colleagues from Monmouthshire, Caerphilly, Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent, Newport, Coleg Gwent and ABUHB.

March 2022


UNISON is working with the international trade union movement to mobilise support for those affected by the war in Ukraine – and branches and members can help too.

Ukraine support links here

Ukraine support

February 2022

date 1st February


Worried about the relentless increase in fuel costs? Unison's charity There For You has set up a limited fund to help those on low incomes. You can apply for a grant of up to £200 towards your winter fuel bills.

Visit winter fuel application form

Unison Winter Fuel Fund

February 2022

date 8th Februarydate 9th Februarydate 10th February


UNISON Monmouthshire will be holding AGMs online again this year, and to make it more convenient for our members, we are holding them across three days at various times:

Tuesday 8th February 2022
at 10am
Wednesday 9th February 2022 at 12:30pm
Thursday 10th February 2022 at 5pm

Papers and links to Microsoft Teams for the AGMs can be requested from unisonmon@btconnect.com .

Officers from the branch will be available to inform members what the branch have been doing over the past 12 months, and give any available updates on current campaigns. We hope that you will be able to join us!

The third and final AGM being hosted online via Microsoft Teams. Papers and links to the AGMs are being emailed to all members. If you have not yet received yours, please email unisonmon@btconnect.com and this can be sent out to you.

Unison The Public Service Union

January 2022

date 14th January


Thank you to all UNISON local government members who completed and returned their ballots over the last few weeks.

The ballot closes today, and we will provide an update as soon as we have the results.


Vote Yes Last Day

unison prepaid

unison rewards

Contact Monmouthshire Branch

1st Floor Community Education Centre
18 Maryport Street
NP15 8AE
Telephone: 01291 675502